O2 Bubble Facial

As we age, the skin circulation will slowing down as also as our Oxygen levels. We start to see fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation. The Sociéte Oxygen treatment effectively delivers an instant boost of oxygen into the skin. While oxygen foam up to activate the healing process, you will experience the light tingling and/or warming sensation due to the increase blood circulation to instantly lighten the pigmentation, soothes the skin and delivers a radiant glow and texture.

The treatment including :

Double cleanse, Physical epidermis layer exfoliations with Derma-planing or Express microdermabrasion, massaging our effective Fruit-Ezyme exfoliate to gently eating away the dead skin cells. Extraction if needed, infusing Oxygen treatment into the skin by doing a pamper facial massage. Finish with our cosmeceuticals skincare products and SPF if needed. 


  • Instant boost of oxygen into the skin.
  • Anti-bacterial for Acce skin.
  • Lightens pigmentation & soothing skin conditions.
  • Improving skin appearance.
  • Instant hydrating the skin. 

Suitable for :

All skin types, including pregnancy & breastfeeding. 

Treatment duration : 60 minutes.

Cost : $170

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